Software as a service (SaaS) is web-based solution that help businesses and organizations manage their day-to-day operations and provide specific functionality, as well as access to important account information for customers and the company in real-time. OptiX Technologies employs a SaaS solution to gather real-time field data from their distribution products that are used during services and relay that data into the OptiX OS platform for easy analysis and management for themselves and the customer.
OptiX – SaaS
What Is SaaS and How Does OptiX Use It?
SaaS features within OptixOS
The problems we’re solving
There have been advancements in business management software and technology like autonomous vehicles—and battery powered mowers are gaining traction—but that’s not scalable to the masses. We’re providing:
Simple, efficient, and accurate liquid and granular application tracking to maximize production and minimize waste while meeting and exceeding federal and state regulatory chemical application reporting.
Accountability and sustainability through accurately tracking all inventory from product purchase to product application. By holding technicians accountable to properly apply products at minimal amounts needed to achieve desired control and eliminate wasteful over-applications, we become better stewards of the ecosystems we are directly and indirectly impacting.
The best training tool in your technicians tool box. Optix collects all aspects of liquid and granular applications in real time. This data can immediately be used to make the technicians more efficient and productive by showing them how making minor changes to their processes yields more accurate applications.